The Simon Group


Creating a Content Marketing Plan- Part 4

According to the 2017 report from the Content Marketing Institute, more B2B companies are becoming more successful with content marketing. But it all starts with a plan! So here’s the final push… the homestretch… get ready to tackle publishing and promoting your first piece of content, celebrating your successes and reviewing the results.

Part 4 of 4: Publish and promote
Week ten: post

It’s time to put your new content up on your website.  Once it is up there, it is time to put the ball in motion to promote it.  You don’t have to promote it the same day you launch it, but don’t let it get to far away from you.  An email update to your contacts could go out within the next 3 to 5 days and of course this new content can be promoted on social media for months to come.  Remember, promoting and distributing you content to where your audience will find it is just as important as creating it.

Week eleven: progress

Remember that it is important to share progress with your company at least once a month.  This progress will help motivate your contributors and possibly be a call to action for others in the company to contribute. Giving frequent updates creates buy-in for all involved (and those not involved).

This content is a good way to guide your future posts. Both with the contributor and with your content roadmap you created a few weeks back.

During this week, send out a companywide email that lists the content that has been published to date.  Also make a point of thanking and praising your contributors. Share metrics, people love numbers. Also share any lessons learned along the way. Remember, stay positive.

Week twelve: results

You’ve done it!  You made it to the final week of revamping your content marketing (or starting your program). Great job!

This week you should review analytics and see if you are noticing positive trends.  Are things beginning to move in the right direction? Ensure your content calendar is up to date for both published and upcoming pieces.  Hold an editorial meeting to update the team.  Finally, make a list of what has been working and what hasn’t and tweak accordingly.

Congratulations!  You are well on your way to making a huge impact for your company.  Happy writing!